2014 New Bridge Management's Year of Growth

2014 was a good year. Many were optimistic the economy was moving in the right direction. New Bridge Management did its part to help the economy.

We experienced growth and hired a new staff member to help provide better customer service to our tenants. The new team member will concentrate on handling work orders and tenant requests for property repairs. This is a critical position. Ensuring tenants’ safety in a home while protecting the owners’ investment is a big part of property managers’ job. Having a dedicated person for the job will ensure that work orders are complete in a timely manner. Furthermore, this person will be able to review all the costs associated with the work orders and negotiate prices in order to help maximize return on investments for owners.

Another way New Bridge Management did its part in stimulating the economy was to grow. 2014 was a year of growth for our company. This growth was organic and in form of acquisition. It is with pleasure that we announce New Bridge Management bought a smaller property management company. NBM was able to capitalize on its core strengths, and offer better services to property owners as well as tenants.

2015 is already here. With it come new challenges. Now that we have acquired a number of new properties, we must take the time to get to know our new tenants and property owners. When we take on a new property organically, we have the opportunity to spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the owners and their expectations. More often than not, the properties are vacant and we take our time in selecting a new tenant for the property. Developing a relationship early on with tenants, allows us to better communicate our expectations of them as tenants. However, buying a property management company took the courting time away.

We now have to concentrate on getting in touch with our new owners and tenants, learning everyone’s expectations, conducting property inspections and developing open lines of communications so that we can establish a good foundation for long-term relationships. Developing long-term relationships has been the secret to our success. When I am asked why I concentrate on property management rather than sales in real estate, my answer is long-term relationships.

A fist bump of the New Bridge Management’s teamI am fortunate to work in an industry that touches on a basic human need, shelter. Having the security of a home is important to everyone. Being a witness to how people’s lives change over time, for better or worse, is a privilege that reminds me every day that at the end of the day we all want to go home.

If you have questions or want to learn about our property management services, please contact us at New Bridge Management.